
?rjan Nilsen & Mike James - What It's All About

03:40 0 b 29.12.2015, 03:37

Miley Cyrus


Григорий Лепс



Jennifer Lopez

Валерий Меладзе


Nicki Minaj
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?rjan Nilsen brings another slamming cut to his In My Opinion imprint and hits the spot with exceptional efficiency. As the breakdown allows for gorgeous piano play and Mike James’ stunning voice to soar, you soon realize ‘What It’s All About’. Embracing and savoring music of this towering quality is all that matters.

To make this music video as memorable as possible, ?rjan Nilsen has asked fans from all over the world to show us what love is all about!

Video production: Ivaylo Manov, Stefan Petranov & Bozhan Vutov
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